Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 1: Load-in Yakima's Capitol Theatre

I started the day bright and early at 6:15 this morning. Once prepared for the day, I made my way down to the continental breakfast provided by the hotel. Then off to work we go.
   The call started at 8 am. We worked quickly through the first 5 hours. It was quite nice to have a breakfast supplied by the theatre during out break time. The deck was covered in gear, cable, and drops were being hung. Not a whole lot of space to move. I went out with my friend Caitlin, who's the Deck Carp on the show, to lunch at the Sports Center Restaurant. I had a delicious pulled pork sandwich with hand cut fries...mmmmmm, good. I think I will be eating here often.
    Back to work at 2 o'clock. Continued setting up all the gear. I finally was able to hang my with all the automation effects on it. After setting that up and rigging it, I set up my system to run the motors. It took quite a while to get everything running and the limits set. After I finished that, it was about dinner time. Dinner break was from 7-8 pm. We went back to the same place to eat. This time I had a delicious spinach cheddar soup before a big plate of 4 cheese macaroni as the meal. That was pretty tasty too.
    Back to work at 8 o'clock. Only 3 hours left of the call. I worked on calling stuff for the fly rail for most of the evening. A few miscellaneous things here and there. I had to relocate my system a little farther off stage right to make way for the floor which should be coming in tomorrow. Around 10 or so, we started wrapping things up and finishing things off for the night. Although a ton of stuff was still happening. Much of the local crew had already been let go, so at least there wasn't a ton of people standing around looking for something to do.
    The call finally ended at 11 pm. Probably the worst part of the day...my feet. I really hope these shoes break in soon.

Now I'm back at the hotel relaxing a bit before bed. It is such an amazing feeling to get off of my feet. I will sleep well tonight.

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